When your septic system fails, you’ve got a problem on your hands! Here are a few things that you can do to prevent even bigger problems with your system.

Call a professional
First thing’s first–call Gruene Aerobic Services (or your local professional) immediately. We will get you on our service list and prioritize your call over our routine maintenance and repair calls.
It is very important to notify a professional immediately when your system fails. We may already be dealing with someone else’s emergency, and we need to get you on our schedule as soon as it will allow!
Remove your cleanout cap

Find your cleanout cap that is close to the foundation of your house. This cleanout cap is
usually a 3 or 4 inch white cap that screws or slips on to a pipe coming out of the ground.
Take the cap off very slowly just in case there is any pressure on the line. Wear gloves, a mask, and safety glasses, and be careful not to get any septic material on your skin or near your face. If any splashing or contamination occurs, take a hot shower immediately.
Removing this cleanout cap will prevent water from backing up into your house due to a blockage in your system.
If your house already has water in it, remove the cleanout cap anyway. This will prevent even more water from entering the house.
Conserve as much water as possible
If your system has failed, then you are in danger of water backing up into your house.
Even if you have removed your clean out cap, it is important that you do not use too much water until your system is running normally again.

Here are three things in your home that use a lot of water:
Washing machine
Refrain from using these things during a system failure. If you can’t avoid using water completely while your system is down, call us and chat with us about what is safe until we can repair your system.
What causes aerobic septic system failure?
Aerobic septic systems, or LPD (Low Pressure Dosing) systems, most commonly fail due to mechanical reasons. Mechanical failure of your system can be caused by:
Loss of power
Bad pump
Bad floats
Control panel malfunctions

Aerobic systems can also fail if there are too many solids inside your pre-treatment tank.
Solids are things like toilet paper that is not “septic tank friendly,” flushable wipes, and feminine hygiene products. Solids can also include grease and food from your kitchen sink.
These things should not be flushed down your drains!
What causes conventional septic system failure?
The most common cause of conventional septic system failure is clogged drain field lines.

Your drain field lines can become clogged for many reasons, but here are the most common reasons:
System is backed up with waste because your tank is overdue to be pumped Schedule our pump truck today
Tree roots have grown into and consumed your drain lines. This is very common in South Texas, as our trees send out roots searching for water during the long term droughts that we experience on a regular basis.
System failure is common with older systems or systems that are not maintained properly.
It is important to get your system on a maintenance schedule in order to prevent failures caused by preventable problems.
Your system maintenance can be simple, but requires knowledge, effort, and consistency.
Luckily, you have the option of purchasing an annual maintenance contract through Gruene Aerobic Services. This is what we recommend to ensure that your system works properly year-round.